Wednesday 24 August 2011

N I Y A M A P A R T 1

P A R T   1

SAUCHA means cleanliness, purification. It implies cleanliness of the body (both inside and outside) and mental purification (eliminating negative thoughts and mental agitation).

SAUCHA comprise six traditional techniques of purification called SHAT KRIYAS.

An important factor of keeping the body and mind clean is the diet. Know that meat brings a lot of toxic substances into your system. Clean and fresh food must be the rule for a health conscious individual.

The way we eat can make a difference too. Chew very well, focus your mind upon the sacred act of eating, make it holy through your awareness about it.

SANTOSHA means "contentment". It is imperiously necessary to accept with joy whatever life offers here and now, without uselessly spending energy living in the past or fantasizing about the future.

This activities are most of the time useless and sterile. SANTOSHA is not fatalism but focusing in the present and living it fully. It means opening toward the continuous experimentation and clear perception of what is now: the uniqueness of every moment.

SANTOSHA is loving the world the way it is. The fact of being here and now reveals the greatest possible ecstasy. Nothing of what exists in this world must be changed: what must be really changed is your inner attitude toward everything that surrounds you.

The word TAPAS is formed from the root "TAP" which means "to burn", "to radiate", "to be consumed by fire". Fire is the symbol for the ardent desire or for the invincible will to achieve something.

However, this desire or will must be exerted in a totally detached and patient manner, renouncing the fruits (the results) of your actions (consecrating your effort to the Supreme Cosmic Consciousness).

Therefore TAPAS implies an ardent effort directed toward a defined purpose. TAPAS is realized through discipline and austerity, i.e. through a conscious and sustained effort to resist all temptations and to overcome all obstacles that stand between you and your goal.

TAPAS is of three kinds:
  • TAPAS of the body (KAYIKA), for example continence (BRAHMACHARYA), non-violence (AHIMSA), fasting (once a week), etc.
  • TAPAS of the speech: using words that are true and do not prejudice any living being. A very special form of TAPAS of the speech is MAUNA - the silence.

    MAUNA implies not to talk at all for a certain period of time (one day or a few hours). A superior level in MAUNA is mental silence, i.e. keeping the mind totally quiet. MAUNA has extremely beneficent effects, conserving energy and sharpening the insight.

  • TAPAS of the mind (MANASIKA): a perfect peace of mind, effortless self-control, lack of negative thoughts, removing pessimism.
TAPAS is very much related to will power. In YOGA practice, TAPAS implies perseverance and daily practice.

Some people start to practice YOGA and are enthusiastic at the beginning but when some obstacles appear they quit immediately. The avoiding of discomfort is not a positive attitude, but a sign of weakness.

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